

Vocabulary is the root of the questions in the section. You are to find similar meaning words based on fine shades of meaning.

If you’re taking an aptitude test, you’ll need to have a good vocabulary in order to do well on the test. It can be difficult to find good vocab resources, but we’re here to help! In this guide, we explain the three main ways vocab is tested on the test (with sample questions), go over the top resources to help you find test vocab words, and give you advice on the best way to study those vocab words.

Synonyms and Vocabulary

How good is your knowledge of the English language? How many synonyms do you know? Test and expand your vocabulary with our synonym tests consisting of multiple-choice exercises spread over three difficulty levels! A synonym of a word is a word in the same language that has approximately the same meaning. In the tests below, a word is given followed by four possible synonyms.

Start Practice Questions - Number of MCQs = 177


Synonyms are the words having a similar meaning or some common characteristic ...


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