Directions How to Answer

Aptitude Test Topic: Analogies

Analogy questions present a logical relationship between two pairs of words or numbers. You are asked to choose from the options the pair of words with the same logical relationship.


In each of the sample questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

To give the answer click/tap the option alphabet for your answer choice. for correct answer green check and for wrong answer a red cross will appear along with a button to show explanation with or without video of the question answer.

Analogies: Verbal Analogies Practice MCQ

Question Statement:


Flavor : broth
Seasoning : meal
Thyme : herb
Pepper : meat
Sugar : syrup


Correct Answer: E

(E)Brine is water saturated with saturated with salt (like ocean water, or the water pickles are cured in); syrup is water saturated with sugar (for use in making drinks or some kinds of sweets).
BRINE: the water of the sea b) the sea; ocean
Broth: a clear, thin soup made by boiling meat, or sometimes cereals or vegetables, in water
Seasoning: anything that adds zest; esp., salt, spices, etc. added to food to make it more tasty
Thyme: any of a genus (Thymus, esp. T. vulgaris) of shrubby plants or aromatic herbs of the mint family, with white, pink, or red flowers and with fragrant leaves
Syrup: any sweet, thick liquid; specif., a) a solution of sugar and water boiled together, to which flavoring is often added b) any solution of sugar used in pharmacy as a vehicle for medicines c) the sweet, thick liquid obtained in the process of manufacturing cane sugar or glucose d) short for MAPLE SYRUP, CORN SYRUP, etc.

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Each aptitude test is comprised of 10 except the last test which might have fewer than 10 in some topics.

You are at question (MCQ) number 9 and Test Number 6 of Analogies: Verbal Analogies. To deal with Analogies questions, you must take lesson on the subject. In case of science and Art subjects revise your text books and in case of general aptitude topics take lessons from the topic page.

The question: SALT : BRINE .... with options: Flavor : broth, Seasoning : meal , Thyme : herb , Pepper : meat can be solved with the concepts and understanding of Analogies.