Directions How to Answer

Aptitude Test Topic: Analogies

Analogy questions present a logical relationship between two pairs of words or numbers. You are asked to choose from the options the pair of words with the same logical relationship.


In each of the sample questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

To give the answer click/tap the option alphabet for your answer choice. for correct answer green check and for wrong answer a red cross will appear along with a button to show explanation with or without video of the question answer.

Analogies: Verbal Analogies Practice MCQ

Question Statement:


Vessel : galleon
Domicile : apartment
Tool : pliers
Vehicle : sled
Appliance : dishwasher


Correct Answer: A

(A) A musket is a particular kind of firearm – an old-fashioned one dating back to the 17th or 18th centuries. (Pictures of the Pilgrims often show them carrying muskets.) Similarly, a galleon is an old-fashioned kind of vessel, a ship that was used by explorers and merchants in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Vessel: Bible a person thought of as being the receiver or repository of some spirit or influence !a vessel of wrath"
Galleon: a large sailing ship with three or four masts and a high forecastle and stern, developed in the 15th and 16th cent., and used as both a warship and a trader
Domicile: Law one‘s fixed place of dwelling, where one intends to reside more or less permanently
Sled: any of several types of vehicle mounted on runners for use on snow, ice, etc.: small sleds are used in the sport of coasting, large ones (also called sledges), for carrying loads >
Appliance: [Rare] the act of applying; application
Dishwasher: a machine for washing dishes, cooking
utensils, etc.

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The question:


.... with options: Vessel : galleon , Domicile : apartment , Tool : pliers , Vehicle : sled can be solved with the concepts and understanding of Analogies.