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Aptitude Test Topic: Cloze

A cloze test is a test consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed and the test taker is asked to replace the missing words. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text.


In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

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Cloze: Advanced Practice MCQ

Her father got her the job. Amanda was between semesters at college, and her 1 work at the mall wouldn't do much for her when she got out of school. It was time to do something more serious, something that meant more to her. Many of her friends were getting internships in the city, working for this or that publishing house or TV studio. Amanda, however, wanted something different. She would start applying to law schools 2 soon and she wanted to know what the law looked like in action.Fortunately, her dad knew someone from high school, a friend 3 named Ellen, who had then gone on to study at Duke University. It was a thankless job, and although the Department building itself covered almost one hundred acres (in New York City, there was an entire island devoted to it), no one paid the Department of Corrections much mind. Most people never come near a jail cell, so 4 it's easy for them to dismiss inmates as totally removed from society.

[1] At the Department, however, Amanda learned about prisoners' rights. [2] Or, by the same token, when was the use of force appropriate from the officers? [3] There is a clear provision in the Constitution that prohibits "cruel and unusual punishment." [4] The meaning of these four words 5 were nowhere more ambiguous than in prisons. [5] Everyone within these walls had been convicted of a crime and was now paying 6 they're debt to society, but how could a government ensure that the place would deliver the "reform" in a reformatory or the "penitence" in a penitentiary? [6] Should inmates with, for example, mental illnesses be treated differently from others?7While Amanda did not gain any answers from her summer at the Department of Corrections, she 8 gathered together a whole new set of questions. She had uncovered questions and conundrums about the prison system itself, but she had begun to see prisoners' rights as central to the question of free rights as well. She began to wonder exactly what it was that a government owed its people and how much freedom was too much. Her internship that summer made her realize that politics and the law 9 was a living thing. As she applied to law schools the following fall, Amanda wrote passionately about what she had uncovered. "Although law has long been considered a profession of privilege and prestige," she concluded her essay, "I have seen firsthand how it affects the lives of all of us. We may believe that we never come into contact with the 10 law; however, it is written into everything around us, including how we see ourselves."

Question Statement:

Blank 10

law, however
law, however;
law, however,


Correct Answer: A

A The idea before the conjunction (We may believe that we never come into contact with the law) is complete, and the idea after the conjunction (it is written into everything…ourselves) is also complete. When a conjunctive adverb connects two complete ideas in one sentence, it is preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma. Therefore, (A) is correct.

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Each aptitude test is comprised of 10 except the last test which might have fewer than 10 in some topics.

You are at question (MCQ) number 1 and Test Number 5 of Cloze: Advanced. To deal with Cloze questions, you must take lesson on the subject. In case of science and Art subjects revise your text books and in case of general aptitude topics take lessons from the topic page.

The question: Blank 10 .... with options: NO CHANGE , law, however , law, however; , law, however, can be solved with the concepts and understanding of Cloze.