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Aptitude Test Topic: General Knowledge

General Knowledge Section consists of MCQs on World Geography, Atmosphere, Science and Literature, events, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, and International Organizations.


The following are questions on Your General Knowledge. Select the correct option to represent your answer.

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General Knowledge: General Knowledge Practice MCQ

Question Statement:

What are x-ray binaries?

Pair of stars orbiting each other
Black hole or neutron stars orbiting less compact stars
Pair of planets orbiting each other
Both a and b
None of the above


Correct Answer: D

A team of scientists from Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru and University of Delhi for the first time have seen indications of a massive planet orbiting a low mass X-ray binary star system. The system MXB 1658-298 is an X-ray binary and a part of the constellation Ophiuchus (serpent bearer). It is nearly 30 thousand light years away and the planet is expected to be nearly 8 thousand times as massive as the earth. X-ray binaries consist of a pair of stars orbiting each other of which one is compact such as a black hole or a neutron star. In this case it is a neutron star which draws matter from its less-massive companion and generates X-rays which are detected by detectors placed in satellites in space. This discovery is made with a new technique, X-Ray observation by measuring periodic delays in X-ray eclipses. It is a new technique of detecting exoplanets and observations are done from space observatories. In X-ray binaries, the time in-between eclipses of the source can increase, decrease and also shows abrupt changes. But in MXB 1658-298, time between the eclipses increases and decreases periodically.

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You are taking Aptitude Test No. 1

Each aptitude test is comprised of 10 except the last test which might have fewer than 10 in some topics.

You are at question (MCQ) number 9 and Test Number 1 of General Knowledge: General Knowledge. To deal with General Knowledge questions, you must take lesson on the subject. In case of science and Art subjects revise your text books and in case of general aptitude topics take lessons from the topic page.

The question: What are x-ray binaries? .... with options: Pair of stars orbiting each other, Black hole or neutron stars orbiting less compact stars , Pair of planets orbiting each other , Both a and b can be solved with the concepts and understanding of General Knowledge.