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Aptitude Test Topic: Physics

The Physics Subject Test assesses your understanding of concepts from one year of introductory physics on the college-preparatory level, as well as reasoning and problem-solving skills derived from lab experience.


You are given a problem from physics and asked to solve the problem and indicate your answer by choosing the appropriate option.

To give the answer click/tap the option alphabet for your answer choice. for correct answer green check and for wrong answer a red cross will appear along with a button to show explanation with or without video of the question answer.

Physics: All Topics Practice MCQ

Question Statement:

Consider the following statements about ultrasonic waves: 1. They can destroy insects 2. They can clean clothes by removing dust 3. They can be used to treat disease 4. They can control automatic doors Of the above statements

1 and 2 are correct
3 and 4 are correct
1, 2 and 3 are correct
All are correct


Correct Answer: D

Sound waves are longitudinal-mechanical wave. Sound waves are divided into three categories that cover different frequency range; Audible wave (20 Htz- 20,000 Htz), Infrasonic waves (<20Htz) and Ultrasonic waves (>20,000 Htz). Ultrasonic waves are used to destroy insects, clean clothes by removing dust, treat diseases, control automatic doors, detection of aircraft and submarine, determination of depth of sea etc.

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You are taking Aptitude Test No. 5

Each aptitude test is comprised of 10 except the last test which might have fewer than 10 in some topics.

You are at question (MCQ) number 9 and Test Number 5 of Physics: All topics. To deal with Physics questions, you must take lesson on the subject. In case of science and Art subjects revise your text books and in case of general aptitude topics take lessons from the topic page.

The question: Consider the following statements about ultrasonic waves: 1. They can destroy insects 2. They .... with options: 1 and 2 are correct , 3 and 4 are correct , 1, 2 and 3 are correct , All are correct can be solved with the concepts and understanding of Physics.