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Aptitude Test Topic: Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities that are required in order to read and understand the kinds of prose commonly encountered in advanced studies.



This passage is accompanied by questions about its content. For each question, select the best answer among the five choices. Answer all questions on the basis of what the passage states or implies.

To give the answer click/tap the option alphabet for your answer choice. for correct answer green check and for wrong answer a red cross will appear along with a button to show explanation with or without video of the question answer.

Reading Comprehension: Short Passage Practice MCQ

It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of different schools of thought on the question of education. Some people maintain that pupils of school should concentrate on a narrow range of subjects which will benefit them directly in their subsequent careers. Others contend that they should study a wide range of subjects so that they not only have the specialized knowledge necessary for their chosen careers but also sound general knowledge about the world they will have to work and live in. Supporters of the first theory state that the greatest contributions to civilization are made by those who are expert in their trade or profession. Those on the other side say that, unless they have a broad general education, the experts will be too narrow in their outlook to have sympathy with their fellows or a proper sense of responsibility towards humanity as a whole.

Question Statement:

Supporters of the first theory would not agree with which of the following

experts have contributed most to the progress in the modern world
students should study a few subjects that will help them in their profession
People with broad general education have not contributed much to civilization
students should not undertake any specialized work


Correct Answer: D

First theory talks about a few subjects and specialized knowledge.

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You are at question (MCQ) number 8 and Test Number 1 of Reading Comprehension: Short Passage. To deal with Reading Comprehension questions, you must take lesson on the subject. In case of science and Art subjects revise your text books and in case of general aptitude topics take lessons from the topic page.

The question: Supporters of the first theory would not agree with which of the following .... with options: experts have contributed most to the progress in the modern world , students should study a few subjects that will help them in their profession , People with broad general education have not contributed much to civilization , students should not undertake any specialized work can be solved with the concepts and understanding of Reading Comprehension.