

Analogies questions are based on logic and English Vocabulary. A variety of logical relationships are found in a pair of words in the questions.

Once you become familiar with their format, you’ll find that Analogy questions are pretty straightforward and very predictable. In fact, prepping often gains you more points on Analogies than on any other Verbal question type. With practice, you can learn to get them right even when you don’t know all of the vocabulary words involved.

Analogies may seem frightening

Analogies may seem frightening because they look pretty weird at first glance. You’ll feel better about them as soon as you realize that you speak and think in analogies all the time. Anytime you say, “My sister is like a slug,” you’re drawing an analogy between your sister and slugs—perhaps your sister is as gross as a slug, or maybe she’s as slow as a slug getting out of bed in the morning. That may not be the kind of relationship that will appear on your test, but the thinking is the same.

Start Practice Questions - Number of MCQs = 277

Understanding Analogies

Analogies are vocabulary questions, but actually, they require more than just kn ...

Understanding Analogies

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