

Learn How to Write With Good Diction to Develop Style Tone Point-of-View before starting the preparation

style of speaking or writing as dependent upon the choice of words: good diction. the accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality manifested by an individual speaker, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of acceptability; enunciation.

How to Write With Good Diction to Develop Style Tone Point-of-View

Using Good Diction

Diction: Diction is a writer or speaker's word choice that helps define the written or spoken word and expresses personal style.

When a writer chooses words that make their writing sound a certain way, they’re choosing their diction. In English, each word has a slightly different meaning and evokes different senses and emotions. Choosing the right words for your purposes determines what diction you are using.

Two main types of diction

  • formal diction - writing that establishes a professional tone, such as business writing or formal essays
  • informal diction - conversational or friendly writing style

Examples of Formal vs. Informal Diction

  • Formal: The man spoke to his father in a low voice so others could not hear.

    Informal: That guy told his dad secrets.

  • Formal: Would you care to explain the reasoning behind your decision to leave the gathering early?

    Informal: Why'd you leave the party so soon?

Eight Common Mistakes Made When Speaking

The way you pronounce your words is a significant factor in influencing people. Those who mispronounce words are often unfairly judged. Take a look at the following list of mistakes made in pronunciation.

  1. Leaving off the end of the "ing" words as in thing, wearing, loving, wanting, singing.
  2. Word and slang misuse ("he goes" instead of, "he said")
  3. Eliminate the words (goin', comin', gonna, shoulda, woulda) in your speech permanently.
  4. Kill the filler words (like, you know, um, er), which can be annoying.
  5. Using the wrong word.
  6. Even using the wrong tone can have a negative effect on what you're saying.
  7. Using a high and piercing tone.
  8. Mumbling.

Good diction ensures that spoken words are clear by using the right pronunciation, tone and enunciation. By improving your diction, you can increase the quality of your speech, which makes it easier for others to understand and engage with your message.

3 benefits of improving your diction

Here are three benefits of improving your diction:

1. Improving your confidence

When you feel good about your speaking voice, you may feel more confident when expressing ideas, meeting new people and communicating with others. It can also motivate you to take risks or confront challenges while improving your satisfaction with your work and relationships.

2. Connecting with others

Feeling confident in your speaking voice may motivate you to communicate with others more often. Good diction helps you explain your ideas, concerns and expectations clearly and effectively to your audience. Clarity of communication has benefits whether you are engaging with an audience during a public speaking event, meeting with a client to develop a project or interviewing for a new job position.

3. Making a positive first impression

Speaking with good diction may help you make a good first impression with clients, coworkers, managers and audiences. When you speak clearly and with the right tone, it may help others perceive you as confident, knowledgeable and trustworthy. Using good diction may help you express your ideas clearly, efficiently and effectively for your audience.

How to improve your diction

If you mumble a lot when speaking or find that people don't understand a lot of what you are saying, you can take steps to improve your clarity of speech. Improving your diction can take time and practice. Here are nine tips for improving your diction with exercises to help you increase the quality of your speech:

1. Practice tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are a great way to improve your speech clarity as mastering them will allow you to learn how to keep your voice clear and speak with confidence.

A tongue twister is a string of words that use patterns of similar sounds that require different placements of your tongue to produce.

  • Red leather, yellow leather (repeat five times)
  • She sells seashells by the seashore
  • You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York

2. Read aloud

Reading aloud can be a helpful strategy because it may be easier to focus on how you say things when you aren't thinking about what to say.

3. Manage your pace

When you speak, be aware of your pacing. Some people may speak more quickly when they feel nervous. Pay attention to the speed of your speech and slow down so that you complete each word before saying the next one. .

4. Exaggerate mouth movements

To help you understand how the movements of your tongue, lips and jaw affect your speech, practice repeating a sentence, phrase or word while moving your mouth in different ways.

5. Use exercises to strengthen your facial muscles

sometimes, weaknesses in facial muscles can interfere with your diction. It may help to practice exercises that work the muscles in your mouth and jaw to strengthen them.

6. Control your breathing

Good breath control is important for speaking clearly. which may help you speak with a full voice.

7. Imitate good speakers

Another strategy to improve your speaking is to watch how others speak. Choose a speaker who is effective at giving presentations and study their speaking. Pay attention to their breathing, tone, pace and mannerisms. Try to copy their tone and techniques and reflect on what qualities make them an effective speaker.

8. Prepare in advance

When you feel confident and prepared for a presentation, speech or interview, you may use better diction. Feeling comfortable with the content of your material may allow you to focus more on your delivery.

9. Record yourself

When practicing for a presentation, you may find it helpful to record yourself giving your speech. Watch the recording to identify strengths in your speaking and areas for improvement.

10.Pay attention to tone.

Tone also plays into clarity and diction as it can affect how you pronounce certain words.

11.Avoid uptalk

Uptalk is that nasty habit of ending your sentences with an upward inflection that makes you sound like you're asking a question.End your sentences on a strong note with authority.

12.Taking Your Time While Speaking

Don't rush when speaking. Talk deliberately, but not so slow that you sound like a robot.

13.Know what you are going to say.

Whether you're giving a public speech or just having a casual conversation with a friend, taking at least a moment before speaking to know what you are going to say will help you speak with clarity and prevent you from talking too fast.

14.Repeat words that are hard to say.

When we have a hard time pronouncing certain words we often speed up and try to stumble through them resulting in muddled speech.

15.Avoid speaking with clenched teeth.

When you clench your teeth you're causing a lot of strain on yourself and it can be a sign of stress. And speaking with a clenched jaw will prevent you from opening your mouth enough to enunciate and speak clearly.

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