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IELTS: Types of Letter Writing
Different Types of Tones in Writing

It's not always about what we write, but how we write it. In this lesson, we will learn all about the different kinds of tone and how to make sure that your written words achieve their desired effect.

Different Types of Tones in Writing

The Importance of Tone

Okay, let's say that you're dining at a fancy restaurant with your parents and grandparents. You know, the white tablecloth sort of place where you can't wear your sneakers. Now, juxtapose that setting with your basement, hanging out with your best friends playing video games. Obviously, how we act and what we say at the fancy restaurant is going to be totally different than how we act and the language we use with our buddies.

Additionally, how we speak is going to be totally different as well. How loudly we talk, the pitch we use to say things, and the words we choose are all a part of something called tone. Tone, in essence, is all about attitude.

Let's say that you're upset that your friend is an hour late, and now you're going to miss the movie that you've been dying to see. Think about the different ways you would say the following sentence based solely upon your attitude:

  • Thanks for being on time.

Now, let's say that your friend was actually on time, and you will be able to see the movie:

  • Thanks for being on time.

Same exact words, totally different effect.

In the first instance, your tone would be sarcastic and angry. It would be obvious to your friend that you're upset. You would want him to feel badly for being late. In the second example, your tone would be happy and excited, and your friend would feel appreciated for his punctuality.

What are the ways that you would change your vocal range between the two sentences to convey your attitude? How about your body language? Facial expressions? Intonation?

Tones for Specific Types of Writing

Of course, when you're writing, the reader can't hear your words; however, how we put our written sentences together and the words we opt to use will ultimately pass along the attitude, or tone, that we're trying to convey.

You have to decide if what you're writing, be it a college essay, journal entry, or letter to your friend, is going to be formal or informal. The best way to make this decision is by asking yourself, 'Who is going to be reading it?' If it's your teacher or it's a college review board, you're obviously going to be more formal with your words. You should avoid contractions, jargon, and slang. Don't use a conversational tone.

We can even break this down further. Let's say that you're writing an argumentative essay on the abortion debate for your history class. Argumentative essays use persuasive language. In fact, that's the whole point of an argumentative essay: to try and sway the reader to the side of the writer. Your language will be formal but forceful.

Now, let's say that you've been asked to write a reflection essay on your summer vacation for English class. This is still a formal five-paragraph essay; however, your tone will be less serious. Perhaps, you will take a humorous angle and tell an anecdote about running into your principal while on an island 3,000 miles away from where you live.

If you're writing a letter to a friend who is away at college, then obviously your tone is going to be light and informal. You're not going to worry about using idioms or slang references. You will be writing your letter almost in the same manner you would as if you were having a face-to-face conversation.

Emotional Tones

There are a million different kinds of tone. Here are just a few that you may want to convey in your writing:

  • Sad
  • Silly
  • Uninterested
  • Compassionate
  • Honest
  • Passionate
  • Respectful
  • Heartless
  • Intimidating
  • Nostalgic
  • Emotional

Basically, if there is a human emotion, there is a type of tone for it.


Let's take a look at an example of how various emotional tones are conveyed. Each of the following four written sentences takes on a distinct viewpoint about how different members of the same team feel about losing the big state football championship game.

  • We may have lost the big game, but we played our hardest and will always remember what a great season it was. There's always next year!

This tone was optimistic. 'There's always next year' is an extremely hopeful way of looking towards the future. The writer expects to be successful and won't let the loss bring him down.

  • We shouldn't have lost the game. The other team cheated, and the refs were clearly pulling for them by making horrible calls.

Here, the writer's tone is angry. He is blaming others for the loss, and the word choice conveys resentment and bitterness.

  • We worked so hard this season; I can't believe it's over and we didn't win.

Here, the tone is disappointment. Saying, 'I can't believe it's over and we didn't win,' is a clue that the writer is upset about the outcome.

  • The other team just played better.

This is a pretty objective way of looking at the game. The word choice is basically free of emotion and is matter-of-fact.

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