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Interpreting Graphics in Expository Texts

Expository texts frequently use graphics to present facts and information. This lesson will discuss ways to interpret graphics in expository texts. We will end with a brief quiz to see what you have learned.

Interpreting Graphics in Expository Texts

What is an Expository Text?

Take a moment to think back on the many textbooks you have used throughout your education. They may have been traditional hardbound books, or maybe even electronic books. You've likely used textbooks for all subjects ranging from English to math to science and everything in between. What do these textbooks have in common? Textbooks are filled with pages of words, ideas, and graphics. They are designed to present facts and information to readers. Textbooks are examples of expository texts. Expository texts present facts and information on specific topics. Expository texts are designed to explain, inform or describe.

Now, take a moment to think about the graphics that you've seen in textbooks. Most textbooks use illustrations, diagrams, graphs, charts, and photographs to help present the topic at hand. Just as picture books use images to help new readers understand the words on the page, authors of expository texts use graphics to help readers understand the concepts presented.

Now that we understand what expository texts are and how graphics are used in them, let's take a closer look at ways to interpret graphics in expository texts.

Interpreting Graphics in Expository Texts

Most students assume that any graphics used in a text will be helpful and easy to understand. This is not always true, as many charts, graphs and presentations of data confuse students or seem extremely difficult to interpret and understand. Conversely, some students skip over graphics because they think they are not important! It is essential to understand how graphics are presented in the text and to take steps to match them up with corresponding text. Authors include the graphics to broaden understanding, so readers must know how to read and interpret them as they are essential aspects of understanding the material! Let's look at the different types of graphics commonly used in expository texts along with some strategies for interpretation.

Photographs and Illustrations

Of the many types of graphics used in expository texts, photographs and illustrations are usually the easiest to interpret. A photograph will provide a literal snapshot of the person, place or thing being discussed. An illustration is a drawing or sketch. Both provide visual representations of concepts and facts to readers that serve to increase overall understanding of material.


This Photograph Shows Readers Our First Experiences On The Moon

It is important for readers to use the photographs and illustrations in a text to deepen engagement with the material. Readers should pay special attention to any captions or titles added to the photographs as these will help simplify interpretation. For example, if a photograph of a historical figure is displayed in an expository text, it will usually be captioned with important information such as the person's name, title, date and place where the photograph was taken. This information is important for interpretation.

Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs may be a bit more challenging for readers in terms of interpretation. Charts and graphs are usually used to present data. They are useful because a lot of data can be presented in a small amount of space. Also, charts and graphs allow for unique organization of the data being presented.


Bar Graphs Are Useful For Presenting A Lot Of Data In A Small Amount Of Space

Let's assume we are reading a science textbook about plant growth. A chart could easily show us the rates of growth for many different types of plants in one neat box. If we were to write out the same information it would take up much more space in the textbook and it would take us longer to read.

When interpreting charts, it is important for readers to understand what data is included. For example, we mentioned a chart that could teach us about plant growth. That chart might include the type of plant and amount of growth per week. It could also include things like age of the plant, or amount of sunlight received by the plant, or even the amount of water the plant received. Knowing what is included in the chart helps readers understand the material more effectively.

Diagrams and Timelines

Diagrams are useful to demonstrate processes. For example, that science textbook we mentioned earlier might include a diagram of how a plant goes from a seed to a seedling to a full grown plant. Timelines are important in the presentation of events throughout time because they can show the passage of many years on a continuum.


This Timeline Shows How Bicycles Have Changed Over Time

Both diagrams and timelines are useful graphics in expository texts because they help to illustrate the facts and information for students. However, interpreting diagrams and timelines may take some practice. Again, it is important for readers to use captions and labels to decipher exactly what information is included in the graphic. This information helps students deepen understanding and overall learning.

For instance, the diagram mentioned above might have a caption like Growth Patterns of Daisies. This would tell readers that the diagram represents how daisies go from seed to plant. A timeline might present the largest battles of the Civil War. Again, it is important for students to understand that this is not necessarily a representation of all battles, but just those that were large in terms of the number of soldiers involved.

No matter what type of graphic is used, the purpose is to increase learning. Therefore, students should focus on graphics as essential elements for understanding expository texts.

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