
Universities in Western Australia


Western Australia

Western Australia with the population of about 2 Million is a major city in Australia. The national language is English and the language in Western Australia is English. There are many higher education institutions in Western Australia like The University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, and The University of Notre Dame Australia. The complete list is available in links list below.

As the second largest state in the world (half the size of Europe), Western Australia's sunny climate has shaped some of the world's most biodiverse landscapes.

Universities in Western Australia - List

Facts about Western Australia

  • Population: About 2 Million
  • Local Language: English
  • Postal Code: 6999
  • Weather:
    The region enjoys a Mediterranean climate in the south and a subtropical climate in the north.

Travel Advisory:

The Department of Primary Industroes and Regional Development provides this climate information to support agricultural managers in their response to a changing climate in Western Australia.
In Western Australia, children can start their education in Kindergarten, however compulsory schooling starts the following year in Pre-primary and continues until the end of Year 12.
All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled in school and attend every day - that is the law. This is from the beginning of the year in which a child reaches the age of 5 years 6 months until the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 17 years 6 months or turns 18, whichever happens first.

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