
Universities in Cordoba



Cordoba with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Argentina. The national language is Spanish and the language in Cordoba is Spanish. There are many higher education institutions in Cordoba like National University of Crdoba, Siglo 21 Business University, National University of ro Cuarto, Blas Pascal University, Catholic University of Crdoba, National University of Villa Mara, Instituto Universitario Aeronutico, and University Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Crdoba. The complete list is available in links list below.

People in Cordoba are commonly called, are warm and fun-loving individuals. Aside from enjoying the party scene and celebrations, these people are also known for their enthusiasm for learning and wisdom.

Universities in Cordoba - List

Facts about Cordoba

  • Population: About 1 Million
  • Local Language: Spanish
  • Postal Code: 5000
  • Weather:
    Córdoba has hot summer with significant drought more typical of Mediterranean climates.

Travel Advisory:

Córdoba is a safe city but beware of pickpocketing on public transportation and any crowded and/or tourist area. The avenues of Centro and Nueva Córdoba are overall safe, except the area near Río Suquía.
Cordoba Education specializes in mentoring and academically guiding students, who aim at pursuing their studies all over the world. The education institutions providing the student with the benefits of the educational system.
Cordoba Education se especializa en tutoría y orientación académica para estudiantes, que tienen como objetivo continuar sus estudios en todo el mundo. Las instituciones educativas que proporcionan al estudiante los beneficios del sistema educativo.

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