
Universities in Salta



Salta with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Argentina. The national language is Spanish and the language in Salta is Spanish. There are many higher education institutions in Salta like National University of Salta, and Catholic University of Salta. The complete list is available in links list below.

Salta is a mashup of old-world architecture and modern fun—a truly sophisticated bohemia! Marvel at the intricate façade of the old town hall—a Salta focal point—as you stroll from museums to markets.

Universities in Salta - List

Facts about Salta

  • Population: About 1 Million
  • Local Language: Spanish
  • Postal Code: 4400
  • Weather:
    In Salta, the wet season is warm and cloudy and the dry season is comfortable and mostly clear.

Travel Advisory:

Thrill-seekers will love the adventure sports and archaeological explorations that await at nearby Cabra Corral Dam.
The province of Salta’s education law, which enabled public schools to teach religious education during school hours, is unconstitutional. During school hours, however, they must be taught “as historic and cultural phenomenons, without putting one over another.”
La ley de educación de la provincia de Salta, que permitió a las escuelas públicas enseñar educación religiosa durante el horario escolar, es inconstitucional. Durante el horario escolar, sin embargo, deben enseñarse "como fenómenos históricos y culturales, sin exponerse uno sobre el otro".

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