
Universities in Vitebsk Region


Vitebsk Region

Vitebsk Region with the population of about 3 Million is a major city in Belarus. The national language is Belorussian and the language in Vitebsk Region is Belarusian. There are many higher education institutions in Vitebsk Region like Vitebsk State University, Vitebsk State Medical University, Polotsk State University, Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, and Vitebsk State Technological University. The complete list is available in links list below.

Vitebsk region is remarkable for its 3,000 monuments, historic and cultural landmarks, relics of the past, 1,000 of which are included in the list of historical and cultural values of Belarus. Ancient settlements and barrows, time-honored mansions and grand temples, old city centers attract visitors to Vitebsk, Polotsk, Postavy and Glubokoye.

Universities in Vitebsk Region - List

Facts about Vitebsk Region

  • Population: About 3 Million
  • Local Language: Belarusian
  • Postal Code: 211258
  • Weather:
    Vitebsk Summers are warm, while winters are cold but still warmer than in Mosco.

Travel Advisory:

Vitebsk is the regional center. Another, even an older city, Polotsk, was first mentioned in chronicles back to 862, as the birthplace of Belarusian statehood, culture and spiritual life. The ancient cities of Orsha, Braslav, Postavy, Glubokoye, and others are also well-known for their fortresses, or shopping malls.
The business community of Vitebsk Oblast with the financial support of the Eurasia Foundation has launched a program to teach school students the basics of running a business, BelTA learned from Ida Sitnikova, the head of the Vitebsk regional institute for education development.

Міжнародны праект "Кампаніі школьнага бізнесу кіруе Віцебскім бізнес-цэнтрам пры фінансавай дапамозе Фонду Еўразія, які атрымлівае большасць сродкаў ад Агенцтва ЗША па міжнародным развіцці (USAID).

Mižnarodny prajekt "Kampanii škoĺnaha bizniesu kiruje Viciebskim biznies-centram pry finansavaj dapamozie Fondu Jeŭrazija, jaki atrymlivaje boĺšasć srodkaŭ ad Ahienctva ZŠA pa mižnarodnym razvicci (USAID).

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