
Universities in Brest Region


Brest Region

Brest Region with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Belarus. The national language is Belorussian and the language in Brest Region is Belarusian. There are many higher education institutions in Brest Region like Polessky State University, Brest State University, Baranovichi State University, and Brest State Technical University. The complete list is available in links list below.

The Brest region, in the south-western corner of Belarus, is one of the six administrative regions (or oblasts) which make up the country. The Brest region of Belarus borders Poland in the west and Ukraine in the south. The region has a large number of national parks and nature reserves, many of which have special status to protect rare flora and fauna.

Universities in Brest Region - List

Facts about Brest Region

  • Population: About 1 Million
  • Local Language: Belarusian
  • Postal Code:
  • Weather:
    7.5 °C | 45.5 °F.

Travel Advisory:

There are more than 2 000 historically and archaeologically important buildings and monuments in the Brest region. The most significant of these are:

  • Brest Hero-Fortress
  • National park “Belovezhskaya pushcha”

Other important historical buildings are:

  • Puslovski Palace
  • Nemcevichi country estate

Study of Brest region

If you do not want to enter the universities of the noisy capital because you like quiet provincial cities, you can enter universities in the regions of Brest, where the level of education does not differ from the capital. Universities of Brest are famous for its monuments to the Great Patriotic War, as well as the ancient buildings with centuries-old history.

У Брэсцкай вобласці працуюць чатыры універсітэты: БрДУ, БрДТУ, Палессе, БарДУ. Паводле звестак за 2018/2019 навучальны год, там вучыцца 20 тысяч студэнтаў. Два ўніверсітэты размешчаны ў Брэсце (Брэсцкі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт і БрДТУ), адзін - у Пінску (Палессе) і адзін - у Баранавічах (БарДУ). Мы раскажам пра кожны з іх больш падрабязна. U Bresckaj voblasci pracujuć čatyry univiersitety: BrDU, BrDTU, Paliessie, BarDU. Pavodlie zviestak za 2018/2019 navučaĺny hod, tam vučycca 20 tysiač studentaŭ.

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