
Universities in Mogilyov Region


Mogilyov Region

Mogilyov Region with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Belarus. The national language is Belorussian and the language in Mogilyov Region is Belarusian. There are many higher education institutions in Mogilyov Region like Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev State University, and Mogilev State University of Food Technologies. The complete list is available in links list below.

Culture and media in Mogilev The Mogilev region has a rich cultural heritage. Its many attractions include 3 major theatres. a philharmonic society.

Universities in Mogilyov Region - List

Facts about Mogilyov Region

  • Population: About 1 Million
  • Local Language: Belarusian
  • Postal Code: 223130
  • Weather:
    −8.2 °C (17.2 °F) The region has cold winters and warm summers.

Travel Advisory:

Mogilev district of Mogilev region of Belarus, Architecture, and culture, Sights and Attractions, Travel and Tourism.
In the system of work of the governing bodies of the Mogilev region, the annual update of the databank of preschool children not attending preschool institutions has become traditional, the reasons for non-attendance and educational needs of such families are identified.
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