
Universities in Minsk Region


Minsk Region

Minsk Region with the population of about 1 Million is a major city in Belarus. The national language is Belorussian and the language in Minsk Region is Belarusian. There are many higher education institutions in Minsk Region like Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Medical University, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarusian State University of Informatics And Radioelectronics, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk State Linguistic University, Minsk Innovation University, Academy of Public Administration Under The Aegis of The President of The Republic of Belarus, and Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University. The complete list is available in links list below.

This has made Minsk famous for its Soviet architecture, with big concrete buildings and wide avenues, and many hail Minsk as the most perfect example of a Soviet city, even claiming that the isolated dictatorship is frozen in time.

Universities in Minsk Region - List

Facts about Minsk Region

  • Population: About 1 Million
  • Local Language: Belarusian
  • Postal Code: 220001-220141
  • Weather:
    (-38° Fahrenheit) (94.2° F).

Travel Advisory:

Minsk is a very quiet, clean and safe city to visit with many parks and areas to spend time with the whole family. The main attractions of Minsk are mostly located in the city center, which is regarded as very safe.
A priority in the system of general secondary education is the quality of education services, popularization of a healthy lifestyle among children. taking into account the social and economic conditions of the region, varying educational needs of students and their parents the high-quality education is achieved through extracurricular activities aimed at honing children’s’ skills in various school subjects, as well as music, art, theater, choreographic and sports activities.
Дашкольныя ўстановы ствараюць усе спрыяльныя ўмовы для фарміравання асноўных і пазнавальных навыкаў, правядзення эксперыментаў, заняткаў тэатрам, канструктыўных і мастацкіх мерапрыемстваў. Дзяржаўная ўстанова адукацыі “Дашкольны цэнтр развіцця дзіцяці Коласок”, якая прапануе якасныя адукацыйныя паслугі, прызнана адной з лепшых у Мінскай вобласці. Разам з агульным атэстатам аб сярэдняй адукацыі многія выпускнікі атрымліваюць пасведчанне аб прафесійнай адукацыі.

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