SAT Reasoning
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SAT Reasoning: Basic Essay Structure The Five Paragraph Essay
How to Write And Use Transition Sentences

Use of transition acts like a road map in your essay. It channelize your essay and helps a reader in understanding the connection from passage to passage and line to line. Here we will discuss it briefly.

How to Write And Use Transition Sentences

Road Maps

Just like the early ages when man used paper maps or sign boards to reach their destination instead of GPS, your paper reader never bother to search the connection of your essay’s passages own his own. Rather he demands you to clearly take him from point A to point B. So, you are advised to build the argument in your introductory paragraph and then move from passage to passage in a rhythm that your one passage seems to be connected with previous and in this way reach to conclusion. Avoid the long jumps from paragraph to paragraph. So, transition are used when you are going to put forward new ideas or shift to another aspect. So, reach to conclusion by building a clear path throughout your essay in a concise manner.

Here we will discuss the use of transitions between different aspects.

Transitions between Sentences

As we know transitions are words and phrases that enables the writer to shift from one idea to the next.

So it’s used in sentence also. Here we have an example.

‘Team A consist of players aged 20 and above. Eighteen-year-olds may enter with a valid ID’

So, it is difficult to digest the above sentences structure. So, we will add transition to build

connections. So, we will use however to make it sensible.

‘Team A consist of players aged 20 and above. However, eighteen-year-olds may enter with a valid ID’

Thus, this sentence is now easy to read after using transition.

Transitions within Paragraphs

Let's take this concept a step further. We graduate from the individual sentence to look at the relationship between several sentences in a paragraph. Follow along as I read: ‘Amazon.com, online market, reach a desired goal in bringing quality products to customers via Internet. Its success secret is to create ease for customer by making them capable of shopping on a single click. It has developed the secure payment method and delivery of products at customer’s residence. This market has modernize the lives of people’ The above paragraph is somewhat wrong as the main idea is same throughout but writing is marked by abrupt transitions and difficult to read. Let’s refine it by adding proper transitions. So, let’s add “moreover” after 2nd sentence and “Of all” at the beginning of last sentence to reach our goal and made the writing readable.

‘Amazon.com, online market, reach a desired goal in bringing quality products to customers via Internet. Its success secret is to create ease for customer by making them capable of shopping on a single click. Moreover, it has developed the secure payment method and delivery of products at customer’s residence. Of all, this market has modernize the lives of people’

So, without disturbing he main idea we have made the paragraph much more logical.

Transitions between Paragraphs

The flow between paragraph is as much important as in the individual sentences and within the paragraphs. This is very crucial in writing a quality essay. Though each paragraph contain single idea but it is totally based on the main point and therefore all the paragraphs must have coordination till the conclusion of essay.

Let’s we are going to write an essay on “The Benefits of Television”. The thesis statement we have: watching TV has the value of sheer relaxation, television is educational, television is such a powerful force, we like to criticize it and search for its flaws.

So, in this essay we know there are three paragraphs. We are arguing about the positive aspects of TV but we must have to create coordination between these paragraphs.

So, if conclusion paragraph starts with ‘Perhaps because television is such a powerful force, we like to criticize it and search for its flaws; and that of second paragraph start with ‘Most important television is educational’ then we would succeed in building the relation between these paragraphs.

As a writer, So to create rhythm between the passages you must need o recognize the connection and commonness so to provide reader with ease of moving among paragraphs.

Lesson Summary

Transition is the beauty of paper as it creates the road map and ease for reader to flow through essay and grant success to average paper as well. So, be careful in presenting transitions between sentence to sentence, with in the paragraph and between the paragraphs. Transition provides edge in any writing so you should use it!

Lesson Objectives

Now you are capable to:

  • Define transitions
  • Explicate its important in an essay
  • Use transition not only in an individual sentence but also in paragraphs.

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