SAT Reasoning
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SAT Reasoning: Basic Essay Structure The Five Paragraph Essay
How to Write Effective Conclusions Importance And Elements

This lesson provides you the easy and effective ways of writing conclusion. Several tips are excellently presented in this topic.

How to Write Effective Conclusions Importance And Elements

Establishing a Convincing Conclusion

Mary is trying to convince his teacher to let him be the monitor of the class. But teacher is not considering him to be sensible for this duty. So, he presented his several examples to prove him sensible. Finally, he says, ‘I promise to submit all the assignments of class which the teacher will assign during this week. So, we will also apply this convincing technique to write up effective conclusion in paper.

Restate Your Main Points

Main points are listed in your introduction at the beginning of your paper. So, your conclusion will be revised by those pre-listed points, but be sure not to copy and paste them. Let’s try to re-write fresh thesis but how to?

  • Rephrase the previous words with synonyms or as you can. Like, we mentioned Mary’s main point that she is sensible. So, it could be restated that she is reasonable.
  • Order must be different. By settling conclusively to your argument would end up the favorable result as the Marry end’s up with the strong deal that ‘she would submit all the assignments of class which the teacher will assign during this week’.
  • Dividing your main points and adding some relevant material in between would help you to conclude properly

Add Some Interesting Stuff

For we talk about adding some relevant material in between main points, so what it should be!

Mention some short account of an incident like anecdote( a very small short story).So, in Mary’s case, she could share experience of her monitor ship if she has done before.

By providing evidences or instances, you could convince others like Mary could say that her age fellows are also monitoring their classes. This may be helpful as her teacher could think to grant her a chance,

Acknowledge Your Opposition

Other way to show the validity of your point to other is acknowledging your opposition. In this way you will be able to

Acknowledge your opposition; even though your conclusion is meant to strongly convince your reader to accept your points, you can come across as a real authority if you are willing to mention a few points from your opposition. This demonstrate that the complexity of issue is known to you and you are able to generalize it and have expertise over it.

Clever Tips

Some clever tips are presented below that help you to give strong conclusion: You can use some relevant quotation that would conclude your point decently. Like Mary could end up with, 'Coach Peterson says I'm ready for the challenge.'

You can also include some surprise that call forth the readers emotions, feelings, and responses like Mary could submit the last week’s class assignment at that moment and surprised teacher.

You can add emotion or your deepest feelings and compassion in conclusion to achieve the attention of your reader.

Other tip is “Call to action” for controlling influence on reader about taking action relating to some challenge. Let’s say Mary could say her teacher to ask from other teachers about her.

Make It Universal

The universal claim provides more strength to your argument. So, here is a way that you could re-write your main point in that phase. Like, Mary could end up by pointing out that ‘Man is born to accept challenges’. So, this way one can force readers to agree with ones perspective.

Lesson Summary

Your conclusion must be written after following these steps:

  1. You should restate main points.
  2. Necessary information could be added.
  3. Follow the above discussed tactics.
  4. By making your claim a broader one.

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