SAT Reasoning
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SAT Reasoning: Basic Essay Structure The Five Paragraph Essay
Writing Main Idea Thesis Statement Topic Sentences

Your central ideas must be enclosed in the thesis statement and the topic sentence so to develop better understanding for reader.

Writing Main Idea Thesis Statement Topic Sentences

Main Idea, Thesis Statement, Topic Sentences

Reading an essay with no main idea, no thesis, and no cohesive points is as boring as watching movie with no plot and no theme. If you set the great theme about your writings then your readers will serve a lot. Let’s cast a light on each.

Main Idea

Writing main idea is the first key to write the effective essay. The main theme shows that what actually the essay about. Like in movies were central themes helps the viwers to know thatwhether they asre going to see some comedy, talkshow or some thrilling story, the essay’s main theme also serves as the overall essence of it.

Thesis Statements

After building main idea the essential thing is to present it to readers. So, thesis statement serves this purpose. A statement that consists of one- or two-sentence abridgement of your analysis, on which your complete essay is based, is called thesis statement. Our main idea is concise in the thesis statement.

For example:

Let’s consider our main idea is a horror story about two dense jungles. So, we will enclose it in a thesis statement as:

Two jungles engulf everything that passed by. John, an hero, is determined to know the secret of the body that is in the jungle and eating everything.

So, now the reader will understand the essay is going to tell something suspicious.

Topic Sentence

In case when you have to present the whole idea in a definite space, then this topic sentence is used. So, what is topic sentence? It is written at the beginning of the opening paragraph and summarize the main idea in a single sentence. It serves the rider to get the general overview of whole story. It is written just to create intrest for readers.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson we have taken the general concepts of main idea(an oveall gist of essay), thesis statement( that enclose main idea in two-three sentences) and the topic sentence(that provide the general overview of passge and used when you have definite space.

These are generalize with specific examples.

Lesson Objective

Now you are capable of:

  • Writing main idea of your essay
  • Enclosing main idea is a thesis statement
  • Using topic sentence in a particular space

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